From: Chuck Foster
Subject: binding to local interfaces
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 09:40:42 +0000 (GMT)
Well it finally reached the stage where I needed to do this on one of our
hosts, as I wanted mail to go out using the virtual interface ip address
and not the default one. (sigh).
Anyways, if anyone thinks they'll have a use for it, I've included the
patch to timeoutconn.c to bind to the interface, and an optional
qmail-remote.c patch to print errors returned from it (if you don't use
that then the 'standard' SMTP connection failed message gets used).
I used a file called /var/qmail/control/bindroutes, using the same
ip-address matching as tcpcontrol, ie., 1.2.3., 1.2., 1., none.
The LHS is the outbound IP (ie. the host you're going to), and the RHS
is the interface on the local machine to bind to (ie. needs to be
valid on the host).
# Send this on the internal net
# Rest goes on external "mail" address (yes, its bogus!)
# Hey, we could 'cheat' on stopping qmail-remote sending to this host
The define should be either 0 or 1; 0 means if the bind() fails then go
ahead and connect() with the os bind; 1 means that a temp error is
generated and the mail requeued.
As usual, if you use these patches yourself it's at your own risk; all
seems to work fine on my (Solaris 2.5.1) boxes, but if something busts cos
you've used them then you're on your own (but feel free to tell me!).
From: Bill Nugent
Subject: Updated your local bind patch for qmail 1.03
Date: Tue, 08 Sep 1998 10:10:15 -0400
Howdy Chuck,
I had some minor trouble compiling your local bind patch for qmail 1.03 -
I had to make a change to the Makefile in addition to applying your patch
to timeoutconn.c. I've enclosed the diff of the Makefile. It will be a
few days before I have a chance to test the change.
Thanks for the patch!
*** timeoutconn.c 1998/01/18 12:52:28 1.1
--- timeoutconn.c 1998/01/19 09:29:57
*** 10,15 ****
--- 10,63 ----
#include "byte.h"
#include "timeoutconn.h"
+ #define BIND_SOCKET 1 /* 0 to ignore bind fail, 1 to tempfail and requeue */
+ #ifdef BIND_SOCKET
+ #include "control.h"
+ #include "constmap.h"
+ #include "stralloc.h"
+ int bind_socket(s,ip)
+ int s;
+ struct ip_address *ip;
+ {
+ struct sockaddr_in salocal;
+ struct ip_address iplocal;
+ char *ipstr, ipstring[IPFMT+1];
+ int iplen;
+ stralloc routes = {0};
+ struct constmap bindroutes;
+ char *bindroute = (char *)0;
+ /* Right, do we actually have any bind routes? */
+ switch(control_readfile(&routes,"control/bindroutes",0))
+ {
+ case 0: return 0; /* no file, no bind to worry about */
+ case -1: return -2; /* buggered up somewhere, urgh! */
+ case 1: if (!constmap_init(&bindroutes,routes.s,routes.len,1)) return -3;
+ }
+ ipstring[0] = '.'; /* "cheating", but makes the loop check easier below! */
+ ipstr = ipstring+1;
+ iplen = ip_fmt(ipstr,ip); /* Well, Dan seems to trust its output! */
+ /* check d.d.d.d, d.d.d., d.d., d., none */
+ bindroute = constmap(&bindroutes,ipstr,iplen);
+ if (!bindroute) while (iplen--) /* no worries - the lost char must be 0-9 */
+ if (ipstring[iplen] == '.')
+ if (bindroute = constmap(&bindroutes,ipstr,iplen)) break;
+ if (!bindroute || !*bindroute) return 0; /* no bind required */
+ if (!ip_scan(bindroute,&iplocal)) return -4; /* wasn't an ip returned */
+ byte_zero(&salocal,sizeof(salocal));
+ salocal.sin_family = AF_INET;
+ byte_copy(&salocal.sin_addr,4,&iplocal);
+ if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&salocal,sizeof(salocal))) return BIND_SOCKET;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ #endif
int timeoutconn(s,ip,port,timeout)
int s;
struct ip_address *ip;
*** 31,36 ****
--- 79,87 ----
if (ndelay_on(s) == -1) return -1;
/* XXX: could bind s */
+ #ifdef BIND_SOCKET
+ if (ch = bind_socket(s,ip)) return ch;
+ #endif
if (connect(s,(struct sockaddr *) &sin,sizeof(sin)) == 0) {
--- Makefile.orig Mon Sep 7 20:44:52 1998
+++ Makefile Mon Sep 7 21:04:33 1998
@@ -1333,10 +1333,12 @@
qmail-qmqpc: \
load qmail-qmqpc.o slurpclose.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
-timeoutconn.o ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o sig.a ndelay.a open.a \
-getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a str.a fs.a socket.lib
+timeoutconn.o constmap.o case_diffb.o ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o \
+sig.a ndelay.a open.a getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a error.a \
+str.a fs.a socket.lib
./load qmail-qmqpc slurpclose.o timeoutread.o \
- timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o \
+ timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o constmap.o case_diffb.o \
+ ip.o control.o auto_qmail.o \
sig.a ndelay.a open.a getln.a substdio.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
error.a str.a fs.a `cat socket.lib`
@@ -2066,12 +2068,14 @@
tcp-env: \
load tcp-env.o dns.o remoteinfo.o timeoutread.o timeoutwrite.o \
-timeoutconn.o ip.o ipalloc.o case.a ndelay.a sig.a env.a getopt.a \
-stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
+timeoutconn.o constmap.o control.o ip.o ipalloc.o case.a open.a \
+getln.a ndelay.a sig.a env.a getopt.a stralloc.a alloc.a \
+substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a dns.lib socket.lib
./load tcp-env dns.o remoteinfo.o timeoutread.o \
- timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o ip.o ipalloc.o case.a ndelay.a \
- sig.a env.a getopt.a stralloc.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
- str.a fs.a `cat dns.lib` `cat socket.lib`
+ timeoutwrite.o timeoutconn.o constmap.o control.o ip.o ipalloc.o\
+ case.a open.a getln.a ndelay.a sig.a env.a getopt.a stralloc.a \
+ alloc.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a \
+ `cat dns.lib` `cat socket.lib`
tcp-env.0: \