# no-alternative version 0.50.
# expect a message on stdin. If it's multipart/alternative, remove all
# alternatives except text/plain, and forward the message to $USER-alternative.
# Presumably you've got a ~/.qmail-alternative file which stores the mail
# in the user's mailbox.
# grovel through the headers to get the boundary.
while(<>) {
$continuation = 0 if /^\S/;
$continuation = 1 if m!^Content-Type: multipart/alternative;!i;
$boundary = $1 if $continuation && /boundary="(.*?)"/;
last if /^$/;
$headers .= $_ unless $continuation; # delete multipart/alternative if found.
# dispose of messages which are not multipart/alternative
unless ($boundary) {
exit 0;
$boundary =~ s/\W/\\$&/g; # protect any meta characters in the boundary.
$printing = 0; # we start by discarding the pre-message cuft.
$header = 0; # and we start outside of a header.
open(MAIL, "|forward $ENV{USER}-alternative") or die;
print MAIL $headers;
#print "Searching for boundary $boundary\n";
while(<>) {
# print $printing?"P":" ";
# print $header?"H":" ";
# print $_;
last if /^--$boundary--$/;
if (/^--$boundary$/) {
$header = 1;
$printing = 0;
next; # discard boundary
$printing = 0 if $header && m!^Content-Type:!i;
$printing = 1 if $header && m!^Content-Type: text/plain;?!i;
$header = 0 if $header and /^$/;
print MAIL if $printing;
close MAIL;
exit 99;