This patch can be used to create qmail-dk.
#fetch libdomainkeys from
tar xfz libdomainkeys-0.62.tar.gz
cd libdomainkeys-0.62
tar xfz /path/to/qmail-1.03.tar.gz
cd qmail-1.03
patch qmail-control.5
+qmail-dk: \
+load qmail-dk.o triggerpull.o fmtqfn.o now.o date822fmt.o \
+datetime.a seek.a ndelay.a open.a sig.a alloc.a substdio.a error.a \
+str.a fs.a auto_qmail.o auto_split.o auto_uids.o fd.a wait.a \
+../libdomainkeys.a env.a getln.a control.o stralloc.a dns.lib
+ ./load qmail-dk triggerpull.o fmtqfn.o now.o \
+ date822fmt.o datetime.a seek.a ndelay.a open.a sig.a \
+ substdio.a error.a fs.a auto_qmail.o \
+ auto_split.o auto_uids.o \
+ fd.a wait.a \
+ ../libdomainkeys.a -lcrypto env.a control.o open.a getln.a \
+ stralloc.a alloc.a scan_ulong.o str.a `cat dns.lib`
+qmail-dk.0: \
+ nroff -man qmail-dk.8 > qmail-dk.0
+qmail-dk.o: \
+compile qmail-dk.c readwrite.h sig.h exit.h open.h seek.h fmt.h \
+alloc.h substdio.h datetime.h now.h datetime.h triggerpull.h extra.h \
+env.h wait.h fd.h fork.h str.h \
+auto_qmail.h auto_uids.h date822fmt.h fmtqfn.h
+ ./compile qmail-dk.c
qmail-getpw: \
load qmail-getpw.o case.a substdio.a error.a str.a fs.a auto_break.o \
diff -u orig/qmail-dk.8 ./qmail-dk.8
--- orig/qmail-dk.8 2004-08-22 21:15:13.000000000 -0400
+++ ./qmail-dk.8 2004-10-05 20:25:01.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+.TH qmail-dk 8
+qmail-dk \- sign/verify and queue a mail message for delivery
+.B qmail-dk
+.B qmail-dk
+has the same interface as
+.B qmail-queue
+except that it inserts an appropriate DomainKeys header before it
+queues the message. There are two separate ways to invoke
+.BR qmail-dk .
+For one way, you can patch qmail with the
+patch and set QMAILQUEUE to point to qmail-dk in the environment when
+you send or receive email.
+For another way, you can rename qmail-queue to qmail-queue.orig, and set DKQUEUE=bin/qmail-queue.orig.
+.B qmail-dk
+supports DomainKey signing and verification. It uses the libdomainkey
+and OpenSSL libraries. To sign a message, set the
+environment variable to the pathname to the private key that will be
+used to sign the message. If there is a % character in the environment
+variable, it is removed and replaced by the domain name in the From: header.
+If, after substituting the %, that file does not exist, the message will not be signed.
+If there is no % and the file does not exist, the message will be rejected with error 32.
+The selector will be taken from the
+basename of the file. The private key should be created by
+.BR dknewkey ,
+which comes with libdomainkey.
+To verify a message, set the
+environment variable to a desired set of letters. Precisely, if you
+want a libdomainkey return status to generate an error, include that
+letter, where A is the first return status (DK_STAT_OK), B is the
+second (DK_STAT_BADSIG), etc. The letter should be uppercase if you
+want a permanent error to be returned (exit code 13), and lowercase if
+you want a temporary error to be returned (exit code 82).
+For example, if you want to permanently reject messages that have a
+signature that has been revoked, include the letter 'K' in the
+environment variable. A conservative set of letters is
+INTERNAL errors, and temporarily CANTVRFY and NORESOURCE. Add in
+.B B
+if you want to reject messages that have a signature that doesn't
+verify (presumably because the message is a forgery or has been
+damaged in transit. Note that
+.B qmail-dk
+always inserts the
+.B DomainKey-Status
+header, so that messages can be
+rejected at delivery time, or in the mail reader.
+Typically, you would sign messages generated on-host by setting
+in the environment before running an email program. DKSIGN will be carried
+through qmail's sendmail emulation through
+.B qmail-inject
+.BR qmail-dk .
+You would also set it for
+.B qmail-smtpd
+at the same time
+is set, most often in the tcpserver cdb file. If a host is authorized
+to relay, you probably want to sign messages sent by that host.
+should be set for all other hosts.
+If neither
+are set, then
+will be set to /etc/domainkeys/%/default. If such a private key exists, it will be used to sign the domain.
+.B qmail-dk
+will ordinarily spawn qmail-queue, but if DKQUEUE is set in the environment,
+the program that it points to will be executed instead. If DKQUEUE is not set, and
+.B qmail-dk
+has been invoked as
+.B qmail-queue
+.B qmail-queue.orig
+is spawned instead.
+.B qmail-dk
+returns the same exit codes as qmail-queue with these additions:
+.TP 5
+.B 32
+The private key file does not exist.
+.TP 5
+.B 57
+Trouble waiting for qmail-queue to exit.
+.TP 5
+.B 58
+Unable to vfork.
+.TP 5
+.B 59
+Unable to create a pipe to qmail-queue.
diff -u orig/qmail-dk.c ./qmail-dk.c
--- orig/qmail-dk.c 2004-08-22 21:15:17.000000000 -0400
+++ ./qmail-dk.c 2004-10-19 18:08:49.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+#include "readwrite.h"
+#include "sig.h"
+#include "exit.h"
+#include "open.h"
+#include "seek.h"
+#include "fmt.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "str.h"
+#include "stralloc.h"
+#include "substdio.h"
+#include "datetime.h"
+#include "now.h"
+#include "fork.h"
+#include "wait.h"
+#include "extra.h"
+#include "auto_qmail.h"
+#include "auto_uids.h"
+#include "date822fmt.h"
+#include "fmtqfn.h"
+#include "env.h"
+#include "control.h"
+#include "../domainkeys.h"
+#define DEATH 86400 /* 24 hours; _must_ be below q-s's OSSIFIED (36 hours) */
+#define ADDR 1003
+char inbuf[2048];
+struct substdio ssin;
+char outbuf[256];
+struct substdio ssout;
+datetime_sec starttime;
+struct datetime dt;
+unsigned long mypid;
+unsigned long uid;
+char *pidfn;
+int messfd;
+int readfd;
+void die(e) int e; { _exit(e); }
+void die_write() { die(53); }
+void die_read() { die(54); }
+void sigalrm() { /* thou shalt not clean up here */ die(52); }
+void sigbug() { die(81); }
+void maybe_die_dk(e) DK_STAT e; {
+ switch(e) {
+ case DK_STAT_BADKEY: _exit(55);
+ case DK_STAT_CANTVRFY: _exit(74);
+ case DK_STAT_NORESOURCE: _exit(51);
+ case DK_STAT_ARGS: _exit(12);
+ case DK_STAT_SYNTAX: _exit(31);
+ case DK_STAT_INTERNAL: _exit(81);
+ }
+unsigned int pidfmt(s,seq)
+char *s;
+unsigned long seq;
+ unsigned int i;
+ unsigned int len;
+ len = 0;
+ i = fmt_str(s,"/tmp/qmail-dk."); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ i = fmt_ulong(s,mypid); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ i = fmt_str(s,"."); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ i = fmt_ulong(s,starttime); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ i = fmt_str(s,"."); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ i = fmt_ulong(s,seq); len += i; if (s) s += i;
+ ++len; if (s) *s++ = 0;
+ return len;
+void pidopen()
+ unsigned int len;
+ unsigned long seq;
+ seq = 1;
+ len = pidfmt((char *) 0,seq);
+ pidfn = alloc(len);
+ if (!pidfn) die(51);
+ for (seq = 1;seq < 10;++seq)
+ {
+ if (pidfmt((char *) 0,seq) > len) die(81); /* paranoia */
+ pidfmt(pidfn,seq);
+ messfd = open_excl(pidfn);
+ if (messfd != -1) return;
+ }
+ die(63);
+char tmp[FMT_ULONG];
+char *dksign = 0;
+stralloc dksignature = {0};
+stralloc dkoutput = {0};
+char *dkverify = 0;
+char *dkqueue = 0;
+DK_LIB *dklib;
+DK *dk;
+DK_STAT st;
+static void write_signature(DK *dk, char *keyfn)
+ char advice[2048];
+ char *selector;
+ char *from;
+ static stralloc keyfnfrom = {0};
+ int i;
+ from = dk_from(dk);
+ i = str_chr(keyfn, '%');
+ if (keyfn[i]) {
+ if (!stralloc_copyb(&keyfnfrom,keyfn,i)) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&keyfnfrom,from)) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&keyfnfrom,keyfn + i + 1)) die(51);
+ } else {
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&keyfnfrom,keyfn)) die(51);
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_0(&keyfnfrom)) die(51);
+ switch(control_readfile(&dksignature,keyfnfrom.s,0)) {
+ case 0:
+ if (keyfn[i]) return;
+ die(32);
+ case 1: break;
+ default: die(31);
+ }
+ for(i=0; i < dksignature.len; i++)
+ if (dksignature.s[i] == '\0') dksignature.s[i] = '\n';
+ if (!stralloc_0(&dksignature)) die(51);
+ st = dk_getsig(dk, dksignature.s, advice, sizeof(advice));
+ maybe_die_dk(st);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,
+ "Comment: DomainKeys? See\n"
+ "DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;\n"
+ " s=")) die(51);
+ selector = keyfn;
+ while (*keyfn) {
+ if (*keyfn == '/') selector = keyfn+1;
+ keyfn++;
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,selector)) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,"; d=")) die(51);
+ if (from) {
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,from)) die(51);
+ } else if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,"unknown")) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,";\n b=")) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,advice)) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput," ;\n")) die(51);
+static char *binqqargs[2] = { "bin/qmail-queue", 0 } ;
+void main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ unsigned int len;
+ char ch;
+ int pim[2];
+ int wstat;
+ unsigned long pid;
+ sig_blocknone();
+ umask(033);
+ dksign = env_get("DKSIGN");
+ dkverify = env_get("DKVERIFY");
+ if (!dksign && !dkverify)
+ dksign = "/etc/domainkeys/%/default";
+ dkqueue = env_get("DKQUEUE");
+ if (dkqueue && *dkqueue) binqqargs[0] = dkqueue;
+ else if (str_equal(argv[0]+str_rchr(argv[0], '/'), "/qmail-queue"))
+ binqqargs[0] = "bin/qmail-queue.orig";
+ if (dksign || dkverify) {
+ dklib = dk_init(0);
+ if (!dklib) die(51);
+ }
+ if (dksign) {
+ dk = dk_sign(dklib, &st, DK_CANON_NOFWS);
+ if (!dk) die(31);
+ } else if (dkverify) {
+ dk = dk_verify(dklib, &st);
+ if (!dk) die(31);
+ }
+ mypid = getpid();
+ uid = getuid();
+ starttime = now();
+ datetime_tai(&dt,starttime);
+ sig_pipeignore();
+ sig_miscignore();
+ sig_alarmcatch(sigalrm);
+ sig_bugcatch(sigbug);
+ alarm(DEATH);
+ pidopen();
+ readfd = open_read(pidfn);
+ if (unlink(pidfn) == -1) die(63);
+ substdio_fdbuf(&ssout,write,messfd,outbuf,sizeof(outbuf));
+ substdio_fdbuf(&ssin,read,0,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf));
+ for (;;) {
+ register int n;
+ register char *x;
+ int i;
+ n = substdio_feed(&ssin);
+ if (n < 0) die_read();
+ if (!n) break;
+ x = substdio_PEEK(&ssin);
+ if (dksign || dkverify)
+ for(i=0; i < n; i++) {
+ if (x[i] == '\n') st = dk_message(dk, "\r\n", 2);
+ else st = dk_message(dk, x+i, 1);
+ maybe_die_dk(st);
+ }
+ if (substdio_put(&ssout,x,n) == -1) die_write();
+ substdio_SEEK(&ssin,n);
+ }
+ if (substdio_flush(&ssout) == -1) die_write();
+ if (dksign || dkverify) {
+ st = dk_eom(dk, (void *)0);
+ maybe_die_dk(st);
+ if (dksign) {
+ write_signature(dk, dksign);
+ } else if (dkverify) {
+ char *status;
+ if (!stralloc_copys(&dkoutput,"DomainKey-Status: ")) die(51);
+ switch(st) {
+ case DK_STAT_OK: status = "good "; break;
+ case DK_STAT_BADSIG: status = "bad "; break;
+ case DK_STAT_NOSIG: status = "no signature"; break;
+ case DK_STAT_CANTVRFY: status = "no key "; break;
+ case DK_STAT_BADKEY: status = "bad key "; break;
+ case DK_STAT_ARGS:
+ case DK_STAT_SYNTAX: status = "bad format "; break;
+ case DK_STAT_NORESOURCE: status = "no resources"; break;
+ case DK_STAT_REVOKED: status = "revoked "; break;
+ }
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,status)) die(51);
+ if (!stralloc_cats(&dkoutput,"\n")) die(51);
+ if (dkverify[str_chr(dkverify, 'A'+st)]) die(13);
+ if (dkverify[str_chr(dkverify, 'a'+st)]) die(82);
+ }
+ }
+ if (pipe(pim) == -1) die(59);
+ switch(pid = vfork()) {
+ case -1:
+ close(pim[0]); close(pim[1]);
+ die(58);
+ case 0:
+ close(pim[1]);
+ if (fd_move(0,pim[0]) == -1) die(120);
+ if (chdir(auto_qmail) == -1) die(61);
+ execv(*binqqargs,binqqargs);
+ die(120);
+ }
+ close(pim[0]);
+ substdio_fdbuf(&ssin,read,readfd,inbuf,sizeof(inbuf));
+ substdio_fdbuf(&ssout,write,pim[1],outbuf,sizeof(outbuf));
+ if (substdio_bput(&ssout,dkoutput.s,dkoutput.len) == -1) die_write();
+ switch(substdio_copy(&ssout,&ssin))
+ {
+ case -2: die_read();
+ case -3: die_write();
+ }
+ if (substdio_flush(&ssout) == -1) die_write();
+ close(pim[1]);
+ if (wait_pid(&wstat,pid) != pid)
+ die(57);
+ if (wait_crashed(wstat))
+ die(57);
+ die(wait_exitcode(wstat));