%define debug_package %{nil}
%define destdir %buildroot
%global myhome /usr/local
%global pkg_docdir %{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version}
Buildroot: %_tmppath/%{name}-%{version}-root
License: Check with djb
Group: Utilities/System
Name: daemontools
Packager: Mate Wierdl
Patch: %name-%version.errno.patch
Provides: daemontools
Release: 112memphis
Source: http://cr.yp.to/%name/%name-%version.tar.gz
Summary: Various tools to start/stop/monitor daemons.
URL: http://cr.yp.to/%name.html
Version: 0.76
daemontools is a collection of tools for managing UNIX services.
supervise monitors a service. It starts the service and restarts the
service if it dies. Setting up a new service is easy: all supervise
needs is a directory with a run script that runs the service.
multilog saves error messages to one or more logs. It optionally
timestamps each line and, for each log, includes or excludes lines
matching specified patterns. It automatically rotates logs to limit
the amount of disk space used. If the disk fills up, it pauses and
tries again, without losing any data.
rm -rf %destdir
%setup -q -c -n %destdir/package
cd admin/%name-%version
%patch -p1
cd admin/%name-%version
mkdir -p %destdir%myhome/bin
sed -e 's}^parent.*}parent=/package/admin}' \
-e 's} /command/} %destdir/command/}g' \
-e 's}-p /command}-p %destdir/command}' \
-e 's}ln -s %destdir/command/}ln -s /command/}' \
-e 's} /usr/local/bin/} %destdir/usr/local/bin/}g' \
-e 's}/usr/local}%myhome}g' \
package/upgrade > package/upgrade'{new}'
if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then
exit 1
mv package/upgrade'{new}' package/upgrade
chmod 755 package/upgrade
COMPILER="Compiler: $(gcc -v 2>&1 | tail -1)"
HARDWARE="Hardware: $(uname -m)"
LIBRARY="Library: $(rpm -q glibc)"
OSVERSION="OSversion: $(uname -sr)"
PACKAGER="Packager: %packager"
REDHATRELEASE="RedHat release: $(cat /etc/redhat-release)"
RPMVERSION="rpm version: $(rpm -q rpm)"
echo "The %name rpm was created in the following environment:
" > README_rpm
The packager above has made a good-faith attempt to ensure
that the package behaves correctly.
Since this rpm applies a patch to the sources (to fix an
incompatibility in errno declaration), you cannot distribute it
" >> README_rpm
mkdir -p %destdir/%pkg_docdir
mv package/README src/{CHANGES,TODO} README_rpm %destdir/%pkg_docdir
mkdir -p %destdir/service
cd admin/%name-%version
rm compile/src
cd /package/admin/%name-%version
echo You may want to add /command to PATH.
rm -rf %destdir
* Mon Aug 11 2003 Mate Wierdl 0.76-4patch
- added errno patch
- debuginfo package is not built anymore
* Thu Aug 23 2001 Mate Wierdl
- adjusted for slashpackage setup
%doc %pkg_docdir/*
%dir%attr(1755,root,root) /package
%dir%attr(755,root,root) /command
%dir%attr(755,root,root) /service