%define destdir %buildroot
%global myhome /usr/local/%name
Buildroot: %_tmppath/%name-%version-root
License: Check with djb
Group: System Environment/Daemons
Name: publicfile
Packager: mw@csi.hu
Patch: %name-%version.errno.patch
Provides: publicfile
Release: 112memphis
Requires: ucspi-tcp daemontools > 0.53
Source: http://cr.yp.to/%name/%name-%version.tar.gz
Summary: publicfile supplies files to the public through HTTP and FTP
URL: http://cr.yp.to/%name.html
Version: 0.52
publicfile supplies files to the public through HTTP and FTP.
Security features:
* Before accepting any commands, publicfile chroot()s to the public
file area and sheds root privileges.
* publicfile doesn't let users log in. Intruders can't use
publicfile to check your usernames and passwords.
* publicfile refuses to supply files that are unreadable to owner,
unreadable to group, or unreadable to world.
* publicfile never attempts to modify the public file area. It
refuses all HTTP and FTP modification commands.
* publicfile never runs any other programs. It does not support HTTP
* publicfile avoids bug-prone libraries such as stdio.
* The publicfile FTP server uses local ports above 1024 for PORT
* The publicfile FTP server prohibits remote ports below 1024 for
* The publicfile FTP server prohibits PORT relaying.
* The publicfile FTP server includes automatic PASV IP protection.
HTTP features:
* publicfile supports virtual hosts through the Host field.
* publicfile supports virtual hosts through absolute URLs.
* publicfile supports HTTP/1.1 persistent connections.
* publicfile supports HTTP/1.1 chunked responses.
* publicfile supports user-controlled content types.
* publicfile supports exact-prefix If-Modified-Since.
FTP features:
* publicfile has built-in LIST and NLST commands. You don't have to
bother setting up bin/ls, shared libraries, et al. inside the
public file area.
* publicfile provides EPLF LIST responses, including options "i",
"s", and "m".
* publicfile supports restarted transfers.
* publicfile supports pipelining.
%setup -q
%patch -p1
echo %myhome > conf-home
sleep 1
COMPILER="Compiler: $(gcc -v 2>&1 | tail -1)"
HARDWARE="Hardware: $(uname -m)"
LIBRARY="Library: $(rpm -q glibc)"
OSVERSION="OSversion: $(uname -sr)"
PACKAGER="Packager: %packager"
REDHATRELEASE="RedHat release: $(cat /etc/redhat-release)"
RPMVERSION="rpm version: $(rpm -q rpm)"
echo "The %name rpm was created in the following environment:
" > README_rpm
The packager above has made a good-faith attempt to ensure
that the package behaves correctly.
This rpm applies the following patch:
0: errno; to correct an incompatibility in errno declaration
Since this rpm applies this patch to the sources, you cannot distribute it
" >> README_rpm
rm -rf %destdir
mkdir -p %destdir%myhome
# The next steps make sure that instcheck and install
# will do their job in %destdir%myhome and not
# in %myhome
echo %destdir%myhome > conf-home
make install instcheck
rm -rf %destdir
%defattr(-, root, root)