# Customize
# Intended name of binary package.
# For now, the name of the package will be `qmail' so
# rpm can upgrade older qmail rpms properly; the `Obsoletes' tag is
# just not doing what we need. The name below refers to the prefix name for
# everything else in the binary package but the name. The actual name of the
# package is determined in the `VNAME=qmail' assignment below.
%define vname var-qmail_14_15
%define vsrcname var-qmail
# qmail's home directory
%define qmailhome /var/qmail
# If you redistribute the created binary qmail package,
# you must change this
%define vpackager mw@csi.hu
# If you change anything in this package, change this
Packager: mw@csi.hu
Release: 112patch_14_15
# end customize: change below at your own risk
%define destdir %buildroot
%define distdir %vname-%version
%define vdestdir /tmp/%vname-root
%define vqmailhome %vdestdir%qmailhome
# Change below, at your own (high) risk
Buildroot: /tmp/%name-root
License: Check with djb@cr.yp.to
ExclusiveOS: Linux
Group: Utilities/System
Name: var-qmail-create
# errno, fixes errno declaration
# qmail_local, fixes and_or typo in qmail-local.c
Requires: rpm >= 3
Source0: ftp://cr.yp.to/software/qmail-%version.tar.gz
Source1: %name-%vsrcname.spec
Source2: %name-add-account
Source3: %name-add-group
Source4: %name-Makefile
Source5: %name-README_rpm
Source6: %name.mem_replace.sh
Summary: Creates binary package for qmail
URL: http://www.qmail.org/
Version: 1.03
This package creates a binary package for qmail.
%setup -q -n qmail-%version
%patch14 -p1
%patch15 -p1
# create auto_uids.c so that the qmail users
# do not have to be added
cat > auto_uids.c < Makefile.tmp
mv Makefile.tmp Makefile
# make does not notice short time intervals
sleep 1
# Fix hier.c so that nothing gets installed
# in man/cat?.
grep -v "man/cat*" hier.c > hier.c.tmp
mv hier.c.tmp hier.c
echo %qmailhome > conf-qmail
make -o auto_uids.c auto_uids.o
make -o auto_uids.c
make man
# get a list of files to be put in the distribution
grep "c(" hier.c | awk -F, '{ print $3 }'| sed 's/\"//g' > distr_files
mkdir %distdir
cp $(cat distr_files) %distdir
# these are needed for installation
mv config config-fast dnsfq dnsip dnsptr hostname \
idedit instcheck ipmeprint %distdir
# Now find out the byte positions of auto_uid* and auto_gid* in
# instcheck qmail-lspawn qmail-queue qmail-rspawn qmail-showctl
# qmail-start. install will be treated separately.
# We just need to find out the byte position of auto_uida.
# for make
sleep 1
PROGS="instcheck qmail-lspawn qmail-queue qmail-rspawn qmail-showctl qmail-start"
# change uids
awk -F"=" '/int/ { $2=($2 + 1); print $1"= "$2";" }' auto_uids.c \
> auto_uids.c.tmp
mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c
# find byteposition of auto_uida
for prog in $PROGS; do
cmp -l $prog %distdir/$prog |
awk 'NR==1 { print $1 }' > $prog.auto_uida
# Now deal with install:
# In the distribution, we need an install
# that thinks ~qmail=%vqmailhome
sleep 1
echo %vqmailhome > conf-qmail
make install
mv install %distdir
sleep 1
# change uids
awk -F"=" '/int/ { $2=($2 + 1); print $1"= "$2";" }' auto_uids.c \
> auto_uids.c.tmp
mv auto_uids.c.tmp auto_uids.c
make install
# find byteposition of auto_uida
cmp -l install %distdir/install |
awk 'NR==1 { print $1 }' > install.auto_uida
# generate arguments for idedit
bytepos() {
byte=$[ $1 - 1 ]
while [ $i -le 40 ]; do
echo -n "$byte "
byte=$[ byte + 1]
i=$[ i + 1 ]
for prog in $ALLPROGS; do
bytepos $(cat $prog.auto_uida) > $prog.idedit_args
newname() {
basename $1|sed 's}%name-}}'
for i in %SOURCE2 %SOURCE3 %SOURCE4 %SOURCE5; do
cp $i %distdir/$(newname $i)
chmod +x %distdir/add-*
# Fix Makefile and README_rpm for the distr
cd %distdir
echo "
HOSTNAME=hostname -f
" | %SOURCE6 Makefile > Makefile.tmp
mv Makefile.tmp Makefile
COMPILER="Compiler: $(gcc -v 2> gcc.v; cat gcc.v | tail -1; rm -f gcc.v)"
HARDWARE="Hardware: $(uname -m)"
LIBRARY="Library: $(rpm -q glibc)"
OSVERSION="OSversion: $(uname -sr)"
PACKAGER="Packager: %vpackager"
REDHATRELEASE="RedHat release: $(cat /etc/redhat-release)"
RPMVERSION="rpm version: $(rpm -q rpm)"
echo "This qmail rpm was created in the following environment:
This is a patched version of qmail; you cannot distribute it.
The patches used are
14 errno, fixes errno declaration
15 qmail_local, fixes and_or typo in qmail-local.c
Where I did not indicate the author, the patch is from www.qmail.org,
and that is where you should go to read about what the patches do.
" > README_rpm
# Fix %vname.spec
echo '
' | %SOURCE6 %SOURCE1 > %vname.spec
# Enter arguments to idedit in Makefile
for prog in $ALLPROGS; do
sed "s/$prog XXX/$prog $(cat $prog.idedit_args)/" %distdir/Makefile \
> %distdir/Makefile.tmp
mv %distdir/Makefile.tmp %distdir/Makefile
# These will go in the RH doc dir
mkdir %distdir/doc
cp %distdir/README_rpm %distdir/doc
tar zcvf %distdir.tar.gz %distdir
rm -rf %destdir
# Maybe rpm will be able to expand _sourcedir and _specdir
# on the install system; for now, we can only do this.
# In the post section we'll copy all to the right place.
mkdir -p %destdir{%_sourcedir,%_specdir}
cp %vname.spec %destdir%_specdir
cp %distdir.tar.gz %destdir%_sourcedir
echo "
This rpm creates a patched version of qmail; you cannot distribute it or
the resulting %vname package.
The patches used are
14 errno, fixes errno declaration
15 qmail_local, fixes and_or typo in qmail-local.c
Where I did not indicate the author, the patch is from www.qmail.org,
and that is where you should go to read about what the patches do.
" > %name.README
rm -rf %destdir
# create a spec file, and then run rpm on the
# install system to find out _specdir and _sourcedir
### next rpm will simplify this a great deal
TMPFILE=$(mktemp -q /tmp/1.spec.XXXXXX)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "$0: Can't create temp file, exiting..."
exit 1
cat > $TMPFILE < - 1.03-112patch_14_15
- Changed Copyright to License, added some sleeps for make
* Thu Jan 9 2003 Mate Wierdl
- Added errno and qmail_local patches
* Tue Jun 11 2002 Mate Wierdl
- Added pop3d_stat patch
* Thu Jun 6 2002 Mate Wierdl
- Added ext-todo, syncdir, qmtpc, condredirect patches
* Thu May 2 2002 Mate Wierdl
-- Added queuevar patch
* Mon Jul 26 1999 Mate Wierdl
-- First version